HUMAN WOMAN general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (1998-)
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: 3.0  -  Point:7,718 pt (Ranking 194)


HUMAN WOMAN is fashion brand which it was founded by SANEI-INTERNATIONAL CO,. LTD. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1998 and it is 26 years since the establishment. Item is Long cardigan, Knit cardigan, Cut sew, Knit jacket, Buckle.

Related Reviews  - HUMAN WOMAN -


I happened to visit this store while I was looking for a pair of pants that would fit me. I was in sports club when I was a student, and I had a hard time finding pants that fits around my thighs. I had kids, so the pants that easy to move around was my first requirement, but the looks was important too, so I was looking for pants that would loook good on me. The store sttociate was very kind, and she heard all of my desire and quickly grabbed 2 or 3 pairs of pants and I was able to buy easy-to-move pants that made me look skinny. Even if I go to other stores, people compliment my pants saying "your pants looks very comfortable to wear" and I was very happy.


I found this shop while I was wandering the outlet store. I only saw this brand in department stores so I was pleased to see it there. On the other hand, I was a bit sceptical but I went in to have a quick look anyway, I was surprised that they already had the new arrivals for current season! Also the skirt I was thinking about getting was reduced by 30%, I decided to buy it straight away. It was brilliant finding. I was impressed with the young shop assistant who told me a lot of things about this outlet shop. There is only one in Kanto area and all the items are genuine. I could buy with ease.
I don't go to Koshigaya very often, but I want to travel there to visit this shop.


I went window shopping at HUMAN WOMAN when I came to Hankyu department store.
There were many items in basic but pretty designs, particularly the thin cardigans had so many colour varieties and looked easy to co-ordinate, the material was strong, could be worn whatever the season was. It could be used until the beginning of Summer as it was thinner. There were 2 variations, one with crew neck and the other was V-neck. Personally the crew neck suited the current Spring season better. I also liked the shirts in basic design with lighthearted touch at the same time.
The buttons were attached on the collar, it was simple but fashionable. It wasn't over the top and I felt this was an adult ladies' chic fashion. I want to go to buy Spring items this year again.

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