hakka kids general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

Fashion Collect of fashion information

hakka kids

JP / EN ]
hakka kids
Japan  - Tokyo-to
Main item
Children clothing 
Web site

Official : http://www.hakka-group.co.jp/index.php?HAKKA KIDS

Online shop : http://hakka-online.jp/


Twitter  :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/hakkaonlineshop

: 4.0  -  Point:7,456 pt (Ranking 602)

About hakka kids

hakka kids is fashion brand which it was founded by FASHION SUGA CO,.LTD. in japan(Tokyo-to).

Related Reviews  - hakka kids -

   hakka kids Hakata Hankyu

We went there to look for a kid's hat. There were many hats and clothes and I couldn't help thinking to put all of them on my kid.
There was a play area where kids could play and I left my kid with husband there so I could take time to look around. The staff was nice and she even came to the kids' play area when I said I wanted my kid to try it on. It was very helpful as my kid would get grumpy if I tried to move him/her from the play area while (s)he was playing. The hat I liked was too small for him/her so I didn't buy it but I want to go there again when I needed something. This shop is ideal for my friends' baby gifts, not only for my kid.

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