E hyphen world gallery general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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E hyphen world gallery

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E hyphen world gallery
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2000-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.ehyphen.jp

Online shop : http://crosscollection.com/ehyphen/?aid2=official_eh


Twitter  : http://twitter.com/Ehyphen2000

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Ehyphenworldgallery

: 3.0  -  Point:8,971 pt (Ranking 51)

About E hyphen world gallery

E hyphen world gallery is fashion brand which it was founded by STRIPE INTERNATIONAL INC. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2000 and it is 24 years since the establishment. Item is Shirt-dress, Blouson, Necklace, Tunic, Trunks.

Related Reviews  - E hyphen world gallery -

   marui Kinshicho

I always go to the Kinshicho MARUI sale as it's close from my home. The big advantage to go to this store is that it's not busy due to the location and I can look around on my own while husband and kids play in the playground nearby. I went there twice, on 12th and 25th in July during the sale period. Went in the morning on 12th but it wasn't very busy and I didn't have to queue up for the fitting rooms as the sale almost came to the end. Husband bought a pair of CONVERSE trainers. I then went to look around on my own while husband and kid were in the waiting lounge on 4th floor. I bought a Khaki skirt at INGNI and a White top at E HYPHEN. I wished there were more shops for ladies' items. I then looked at sandals on the ground floor. Although I thought about getting a pair of sandals from TSUMORI CHISATO, I didn't buy them this time. I also wanted a hat but my first choice was picked by another customer. We left MARUI that day as we were going to other shops afterwards. Then I went back on 25th. The sandals I liked last time was rejected by husband and I didn't buy them. There was no lingering affection as I didn't feel I missed them later on. I bought a pair of sunglasses as my existent pair broke. We used to go there more often as there was a kids' section before but they seemed to be withdrawn in this Spring. I want that section to come back.


I often go to this shop. I love it because the staff who always serves me is very kind, saying 'Thank you so much!' with a smile!!! However I was surprised at another shop assistant's attitude today. She pushed the items over to me. I didn't know whether she was in a bad mood. Although I was glad to be able to buy the clothes, it was very unpleasant.


It is located on the third floor by the escalator. I was shopping with my one year-old, so I had given up trying things on, but the store associates kindly told me "I would look after the child while you try things on, so please feel free" and I was very happy. I told them that I was looking for raffled cut-sews that I could wear just one for coming season, they quickly prepared and showed me what I asked for. If you are shopping with kids, you don't really have time to look, but they dealt with me quickly and answered my needs, so it was very helpful. Thanks to them, I really enjoyed shopping.

I bought a jersey top that was 70% off at HYPHEN WORLD GALLERY outlet Mita shop at the beginning of the month. It was originally 5,000yen but I could get it for about 1,500yen, I was very happy with it. The design was cute on this peplum top with 3/4 length sleeves and I could wear it a lot this season. This shop is combined with EARTHMUSIC ECOLOGY and I got excited as I liked this brand, too.
The shop assistants were nice, keeping a comfortable distance and not bothering me. I want to go there again to buy Summer clothes soon.

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