Review:No.173422 Word-of-mouth・Review of CELINE DAIMARU osaka Shinsaibashi | Fashion Collect

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No.173422 Review of CELINE DAIMARU osaka Shinsaibashi

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   CELINE DAIMARU osaka Shinsaibashi  [ 2014/11/21 ]

I went there to buy a bag.
The shop was easy to find and the inside was very clean, my first impression was very good.
I found a bag I wanted in a very unusual colour and I bough it straight away.
You can listen to the staff who give you some useful tips or knowledge even after you decided the purchase. You rarely get a few shop assistants who aren't really keen on serving once they hear us saying 'I'll take it' but other staff who tell us how to maintain your items and the details on the brands is a real professional.

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