Review, Word-of-mouth - shinyurigaoka OPA - Fashion Collect

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shinyurigaoka OPA - Review

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shinyurigaoka OPA
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It was the first time to go to RD and even go to Shin-Yurigaoka OPA. When I popped in the shop as I liked the Green pencil skirt, the staff told me that it was a popular item. Although I was going to leave the shop without buying it, the same staff brought several clothes one after another and suggested me to try them on. I thought that she was a bit pushy despite I came in this shop for the first time. I wanted to go there again as there were many trendy, cute items but I would get annoyed if it took me long time for shopping again. It was a shame.

  ZURI shinyurigaoka OPA

I popped in the shop while I was looking for a bargain items at the Summer sale. I hesitated to go in as I was in my 30's and always thought that the shop was for customers in their 20's. However, I always noticed that the fashion sense in that shop was good. When I was looking at a pair of Summer trousers in front of the mirror, a shop assistant naturally encouraged me to try them on. I took my kid with me and she reasonably cared for him. Because I didn't like the sales talk with sweet words, her service was just right for me. There were about 4 shop assistants and I was relieved to see some of them were similar age to me. I thought that the coordination on all shop assistants was nice. I'd like to pop in often.

  HusHusH shinyurigaoka OPA

That's about the time I tried a pair of trousers on.
They didn't have the colour I wanted in Shin-Yurigaoka shop and I asked the staff to ask around other shops, however she said 'probably not in other shops, either' and didn't want to check the availability somewhere else.
In the end, she checked it, she looked annoyed.
In the end, I decided to buy a pair from that shop.

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