Perfetto - Shop details | Himeji-shi - Hyogo-ken | Fashion Collect

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37 Kameimachi,Himeji-shi,Hyogo, Japan (MAP)
Nearest station
  • Himeji Station(Sanyouhonsen) - 3 minute walk
  • Kyōguchi Station(Bantan Line) - 18 minute walk
  • Tegara Station(Sanyoudentetsu honsen) - 18 minute walk
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:3.0  -  Point:3,788 pt(Ranking 4,158)

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tenin bimyou
  [ 2015/06/24 19:01:16 ]

I was dissappointed to the male store associate how persistent he was. I am sure someone who would experienced the same would agree with me, but it gave me a bad impression abut that self-satisfying talks. If I just wanted the clothing I could find anywhere else easily.

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