Review, Word-of-mouth - MUJI shinyuri VIVRE - Fashion Collect

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MUJI shinyuri VIVRE - Review

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MUJI shinyuri VIVRE - MUJI
5(Very Good) 4(Good) 3(Normal) 2(Bad) 1(Very Bad)
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[ 1-2 / 2 ]
matome kai
  [ 2015/03/30 12:44:14 ]

I went shopping because it's in the neighborhood. However I always felt that the shop has the busy checkout, poor job, and bad atomosphere. I went there today and found a girl working at checkout crying. What happened? When I asked a male salesclerk about discount, he showed me my misunderstanding with loud voice. I was so embarrassed, but I still couldn't understand the discount on the tag so I asked a female salesclerk one more time. Guess what. I was right, and he was wrong. It might be just bad chemistry. Anyway there are so many MUJI shops so I don't want to go to MUJI SHIN-YURIGAOKA anymore.

  [ 2014/11/05 10:16:59 ]

I went to look a wellies with my new born baby in a sling.
I didn't know where to go so asked a shop assistant.
They were up on the shelf and I tiptoed and just managed to get them down.
They didn't fit and Ii tried to find the right size but it was so hard doing that with my baby in front. The staff showed me where to go was standing nearby all that time so I felt if she helped me, it would have been much easier.

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