Review, Word-of-mouth - INGNI tenjin core - Fashion Collect

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INGNI tenjin core - Review

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INGNI tenjin core - INGNI
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  [ 2015/02/08 10:41:16 ]

The other day, I bought a White dress I was keen on for a long time.
Because I wanted it so badly, I was going to proceed to the till straight away. However the staff who served me secretly told me that their limited hour sale would start shortly, so it was already at the sale price but I could buy it even cheaper.
Because I was so pleased, I happened to buy a jumper with sequins that I wasn't intending to. This shop is on 2nd floor in Tenjin CORE and it always looks lively, it's very big and there are many items. Recommended.
  [ 2014/12/22 19:18:43 ]

I happened to see the cute clothes while I was wondering in Tenjin Core.
The shop is called INGNI and you can get trendy designs cheaper.
I bought a combo of a scarf, a top and a skirt.
They were so cute, the design looked based on the image of snow fairly.
Not only girls but also guys would like those, I guess. One of the staff was wearing a top and a skirt newly arrived and they were also very pretty. It was bigger than other shops and all the shop assistants were so cheerful.
It's the biggest shop in the 2nd floor in Tenjin Core and very easy to find.

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