forever21 harajuku - Shop details | Shibuya-ku - Tokyo-to | Fashion Collect

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forever21 harajuku

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forever21 harajuku

JPN:フォーエバー21 原宿店

1-8-9 Jingumae,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo, Japan (MAP)
Nearest station
  • Harajuku Station(Yamanote Line) - 4 minute walk
  • Kitasando Station(Tokyometoro fukutoshin Line) - 9 minute walk
  • Omote sando Station(Tokyometoro ginza Line) - 10 minute walk
  • Shibuya Station(Yamanote Line) - 14 minute walk
  • Sendagaya Station(Chuuou Line) - 14 minute walk
Handling brand
It is retail of FOREVER21.  
:3.5  -  Point:3,901 pt(Ranking 1,654)

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  [ 2015/06/28 16:51:28 ]

It is located near crosswalk from Jingu-mae, and there are H&M or Takeshita street nearby and located in a convinient place. On the first floor as you go in, they displays trendy items, and you can get those items as soon as possible. They have stairs, elevators and escalators inside the store, and you could quickly change the floor even when it is crowded. They usually have sales clothing on the ground floor, so if you are looking for good deal merchandise, I would recommend to start from the ground floor and go up.

Popular shop around Shibuya-ku,Tokyo-to

Popular shop list(Shibuya-ku,Tokyo-to)

About forever21 harajuku

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