FLORENT Sapporo - Shop details | Sapporo-shi - Hokkaido | Fashion Collect

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JPN:フローレント 札幌

3-12-5 Minami2jonishi,Chuou-ku,Sapporo-shi,Hokkaido, Japan (MAP)
Nearest station
  • Ōdōri Station(Sapporo shieichikatetsu touzai Line) - 2 minute walk
  • Susukino Station(Sapporo shieichikatetsu nanboku Line) - 2 minute walk
  • Nishiyonchoume Station(Sapporoshiden yamahana Line) - 2 minute walk
  • Hōsui susukino Station(Sapporo shieichikatetsu touhou Line) - 5 minute walk
  • Shiseikanshougakkoumae Station(Sapporoshiden yamahana Line) - 6 minute walk
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:3.0  -  Point:3,518 pt(Ranking 28,053)

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  [ 2015/08/24 10:45:13 ]

It might be a shop that refuses the first time customers. I went there to look for a wallet from a certain brand. The inside wasn't big but it looked nice and had a luxurious atmosphere. There was another customer in the shop. I went to the service desk to ask if the brand I wanted was available. The staff and the customer were cheerfully chatting. She must have been a regular customer. I went closer, just 1m away from the staff and waited there, but the staff ignored me as she was busy chatting. Although I waited there for 5 minutes, they were still having a casual conversation and I was left alone there, so I went home. Probably first time customers aren't welcomed in this shop. Because I'd never been to such shops, I didn't notice.

Popular shop around Chuou-ku,Sapporo-shi,Hokkaido

Popular shop list(Chuou-ku,Sapporo-shi,Hokkaido)

About FLORENT Sapporo

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