Review, Word-of-mouth - Clarks LaLaport Yokohama - Fashion Collect

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Clarks LaLaport Yokohama - Review

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Clarks LaLaport Yokohama - Clarks
5(Very Good) 4(Good) 3(Normal) 2(Bad) 1(Very Bad)
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[ 1-1 / 1 ]
  [ 2015/02/26 17:47:56 ]

This is the shop I bought boots that a salesclerk recommended. It's known of wallaby boots in Clarks. So I wanted to wear the boots and decided to walk in the shop for the first time. A salesclerk was so nice and polite when I tried them on. I wasn't sure if the boots would be good on my fashion style, but the salesclerk gave me advice for coordinate with what I wear and I have. Thanks to her, I was able to buy the great boots. The shop is large and has lots of fitting space. It's easy for shopping.

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