Review, Word-of-mouth - Bou Jeloud AEON MALL Nogata - Fashion Collect

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Bou Jeloud AEON MALL Nogata - Review

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Bou Jeloud AEON MALL Nogata - Bou Jeloud
5(Very Good) 4(Good) 3(Normal) 2(Bad) 1(Very Bad)
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[ 1-1 / 1 ]
  [ 2015/02/01 20:12:10 ]

I bought a trousers in camouflage pattern at this shop the other day.
I wanted and was looking for them for a long time and found what exactly I wanted. When I was going to try them on, a shop assistant came in the perfect timing and she introduced the trousers in different colours. I felt it was thoughtful.
I'm currently pregnant and I need time to get changed but she said 'Please take time', so I could shop feeling good. It was the first time to go there but I want to go again.

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