Review, Word-of-mouth - Banner Barrett LUMINE Shinjuku 2 - Fashion Collect

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Banner Barrett LUMINE Shinjuku 2 - Review

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Banner Barrett LUMINE Shinjuku 2 - Banner Barrett
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  [ 2015/01/28 19:59:28 ]

I went to bannerbarrett in Shinjuku LUMINE2. Inside was not so crowded so I could look at clothes easily. I was going to purchase a matching hair elastic band with my friend and I asked a staff the stock. I was glad that she checked it immediately, and told me regretfully, ‘there are only 1 gray color.’ Then I had no chance but to change my mind; I gave up gray one for my friend, and I purchased khaki one for myself. After all I was very satisfied with the shopping. I’m so happy to purchase a value item.

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