Review, Word-of-mouth - AEON MALL hamamatsuichino - Fashion Collect

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AEON MALL hamamatsuichino - Review

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AEON MALL hamamatsuichino
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Purchased 2 tops in White and Yellow around the beginning of August. I couldn't decide what to buy as there were many cute items that were at 1,000yen, less than half price at the Summer bargain sale. When I thought they were cute but didn't know what kind of trousers or skirts I should wear with them, the staff suggested about 5 different items and I decided to buy those tops. I now enjoy various coordination. Thanks to her!

I bought a pair of slip-on shoes. They were in checked pattern of Black and White. They were the last pair but I bought them as they perfectly fitted my feet. While I was looking around with holding those shoes in my hand as I wanted to look at clothes, the staff went to check their stock saying 'If you've decided with those pair, I'll have a look whether we have a new pair' during I was shopping. Although there weren't any more pair after all, the staff put them aside at the till and it was easy to shop without holding the shoes. It was nice that the staff kindly explained and served me. I like their shopping bags as they are made by fabric.


I bought 2 skirts the other day. One is mini skirt in denim and the other was a Red mini skirt. I bought this same skirt in Navy here before and I bought the Red one as the Navy skirt was nice. I wore it to school for the first time today and many people gave me a nice compliment. The items are placed a bit clutter but I don't mind as they are extremely cheap! They are as comfortable as I want to wear them so often. However, there are quite difference on the waist sizes depending on the items, the Red skirt fitted me nicely but the denim one is slightly loose and no need to use the zip.

The shop is on the ground floor of AEON Hamamatsu Ichino store. It's convenience if you can access to a car to get there. I bought a kneelength Light Blue skirt. Although the size was small, it wasn't too tight at all as the waist was elasticated. I like the shopping bags coming with purchase as they

When I was looking at jeans, a shop assistant said that those jeans were being sold at the sale price of 3,990yen, instead of the regular price displayed. So I tried on and took them to the till and I was told the normal retail price. The staff said that the sale items were next to them. I went home without buying them as I was angry. It was disgusting to blame customer's misunderstanding despite it was their fault as the staff recommended them to me as sale items.

I wanted to buy some Spring clothes but the season would soon end so I was looking for a cardigan in nice colour that I could wear until Summer.
I spotted a Summer Blue cardigan. When I was thinking if I should buy it, a shop assistant came to talk to me and I tried it on.
I didn't have any vivid coloured cardigan so I told her I hesitated to wear that colour, then she said 'It looks more Spring taste if you wear it with a pair of White trousers and the length of the cardigan suits both skirt and trousers'. The shop is big and it's easy to look around as the items are well placed with comfortable space between.
Also the staff doesn't come too close to us and it's easy to shop for people who aren't keen on being talked.


The male shop assistant's hair was too long and hair colour was too light, he has no clean image at all. I never went to a shoe store like this. A scary looking staff was walking while talking on the phone, with a laugh. I just wanted to have a quick look of shoes but I ran off as I got scared.
The staff in the shop next door, ABC xxx was kind and I could take time for shopping.


It's been only 3 days since I bought it, but it'salready broken. So I asked to return it but it took too much time and didn't get return without any apology. While I was waiting for return, I was told that I need to fix here. I came here to return it all the way. That's unbelievable. I won't go there again.

  AEON MALL hamamatsuichino

OZOC used to be a shop with other bands before AEON Ichino had the major refurbishment. I went there around 11am on the first day of new years sale and it was crowded with families and female customers in the whole AEON building, most shops had only a few lucky bags left and there were some brand shops whose bags were already sold out.
There were 2 bags from OZOC, one for 10,000yen and the other was 5,000yen, I bought the cheaper one after thinking for a while.
It was because the 5,000yen bag had a Black and White inner to, a no collar shirt, a Green pleated skirt and a Red scarf and I thought that was good enough.
Although it was my favourite brand, there were something I didn't like.
Then I came up with an idea, buying another bag at same price and contents from different brand, playing games with close friend (in my case, it was my sister I did with). I bought another bag from Green Park TOPIC which was totally different taste from OZOC which style was slightly older girls'. It had a pair of Blue Summer denim culottes, a Grey Summer T-shirt (tied up at the bottom), a check shirt style dress, a duffle coat and a shawl.
Get those 2 bags and divide the contents into categories like 'inner', 'outer', 'bottoms' and 'small items' then play a game you like and the winner gets a pick.
For instance, the skirt from OZOC bag and the culottes from TOPIC are going to 'bottoms' and compete with Karaoke, whoever gets the higher score will be a winner and entitled to choose one from 'bottoms' , in this case, either the skirt or ulottes.
Normally each lucky bag has 1 inner top,1 bottom and contain several small items so make up 'small items' combining similar ones such as 'pretty' or 'natural taste' and so on.
The important thing is to discuss when we divide them.
Specially for small items, if one of you feel 'this set is more useful' or 'this set looks more expensive', it will be unfair and you don't want play any game at that point.
Ideally buy those bags together.
In our case, OZOC bottom was Winter item while the TOPIC had Summer bottom looking cheaper, so I added a T-shirt and made a set to level the price range. Although we decide categories, you can amend the subsidiary rules. you can make a set of total co-ordinate.
The games should be something you can more or less equally play at similar level and you can enjoy.
We played Karaoke who'll get higher score. guessing how many minutes it would take to get to the certain place, the numbers of new year postcards and best of 3 goes in Rock, Paper and Scissors in the end.
You can enjoy your own lucky bag but it'll be double the enjoyment if you have someone to play towards.
How about giving it a try if you get board with same new year habit.

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