Review:No.177402 Word-of-mouth・Review of CECIL McBEE canalcity hakata | Fashion Collect

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No.177402 Review of CECIL McBEE canalcity hakata

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   CECIL McBEE canalcity hakata  [ 2015/09/17 ]

I always pop in when I go to CANAL CITY no matter whether I buy or not. It's enjoyable to look at the items as there are wide varieties of clothes from sexy fashion to casual style. I bought a T-shirt and a pair of shorts that came with an eco bag that day. Although I couldn't decide the material of shorts between denim and linen fabric, I bought the linen pair that its hem could be adjusted, after asked for the staff's advice. I was very satisfied as I could buy what I wanted. I could shop comfortably as the staff was friendly and nice with a lovely smile.

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