Review:No.177396 Word-of-mouth・Review of TOMORROWLAND LUMINE Yokohama | Fashion Collect

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No.177396 Review of TOMORROWLAND LUMINE Yokohama

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   TOMORROWLAND LUMINE Yokohama  [ 2015/09/18 ]

Although it’s a shop that I've been buying since I was still a single, I didn't go as often after giving birth. I went there the other day after a long time and my purchase desire shot up at full throttle as I still liked the shop's distinctive world. The shop assistants were all fashionable and charismatic. I felt it was worth going to just looking at them. I felt that the girl enchantment level inside me increased . Needless to say that all the shop assistants are kind, they also politely serve customers in an elegant way and I really fond of them. The shop is easy to find as it's a large shop on the ground floor that looks like 2nd floor (please note that there is a basement floor in the building) within YOKOHAMA LUMINE.

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