Review:No.177364 Word-of-mouth・Review of CECIL McBEE LAZONA Kawasaki Plaza | Fashion Collect

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No.177364 Review of CECIL McBEE LAZONA Kawasaki Plaza

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   CECIL McBEE LAZONA Kawasaki Plaza  [ 2015/09/16 ]

I went to look for a cardigan because it was suddenly getting colder. Although I was going to buy only a cardigan, the Autumn items were already in and I happened to buy many items such as knitwear and trench coat that I would be able to wear a lot from this season on. It was helpful that the staff politely told me the patterns, colours and coordination that would be trendy this season. All the mannequins were in good fashion sense and it was enjoyable just by looking. I could also learn from them as it looked easy to copy even by me who wasn't good at thinking of coordination.

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