Review:No.177307 Word-of-mouth・Review of shimamura yuzawa | Fashion Collect

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No.177307 Review of shimamura yuzawa

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   shimamura yuzawa  [ 2015/09/13 ]

SHIMAMURA YUZAWA shop is easy to find as it's along the road. You can see the sign when going towards right, after getting off motorway at Yuzawa. It has an easy access. I bought a neckless at about 150yen. I could also buy kids clothes cheap as it was during the sale period. Perhaps everybody buy mainly clothes but the stationeries are also actually cheap. There aren't many varieties but you'd better to check them as they are definitely cheap. The staff wasn't very lively. I didn't know whether it might have been a bad timing but I wanted her to say 'Can I help?'.

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