Review:No.177205 Word-of-mouth・Review of nano・universe abeno HOOP | Fashion Collect

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No.177205 Review of nano・universe abeno HOOP

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   nano・universe abeno HOOP  [ 2015/09/02 ]

I found a bag I liked via online and went to the shop to see the actual item before buying (I didn't check whether the bags were in the stock beforehand), and I asked a female shop assistant but she just said 'No, we don't have it' without checking. I somehow got her to check the stock if I showed the item number on my smartphone. Although she asked 'Can I take your phone to the till?', I thought she should bring a notepad as a common sense. Although it was my fault for not mentioning that it was a unisex bag, actually they had the item and I thought the staff who was in charge of ladies items didn't know other than ladies' stuff. Also I didn't like that she was crossing her arms when I asked her at the beginning. The male staff at the till noticed the atmosphere and substituted himself to serve me. I felt sorry to make him worried. I was shocked as I liked this brand.

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