Review:No.177034 Word-of-mouth・Review of BURBERRY yamakataya Kagoshima | Fashion Collect

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No.177034 Review of BURBERRY yamakataya Kagoshima

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   BURBERRY yamakataya Kagoshima  [ 2015/08/18 ]

Although I was thinking whether I should buy a tie for my dad, I lost the purchase desire and furthermore, I was disgusted with the staff's attitude. Because I liked BURBERRY's items, it was a shame. I might have been irritate the staff as I didn't clearly show my intention whether I would buy or not, but it didn't even take 5 minutes. She had a very serious face and it made me think that I might have caught a bad timing. The way she served me shouldn't be allowed at BURBERRY as a brand shop. I wanted to take more time to look at the items but I bought a tie somewhere else.

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