Review:No.176983 Word-of-mouth・Review of Forby OF FEMME marui Kinshicho | Fashion Collect

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No.176983 Review of Forby OF FEMME marui Kinshicho

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   Forby OF FEMME marui Kinshicho  [ 2015/08/17 ]

I bought a Fukusa (crape cloth wrapper) to use at my friend's wedding. I popped in as I happened to find this formal style shop on the way home from work. I wanted to buy a Fukusa and the staff showed them to me. The way she talked was a bit too casual but she told me the each good point on the items one by one. She purposely took the gift money envelope out of the outer wrapper for me. Although I stepped back for a moment for the way she talked, she kindly served me. When I decided to buy one, she brought a new one and took it out of the bag to show its condition. It was an inexpensive item but I bought it with confidence because she nicely treated me to avoid any complain. The inside is nice and quiet. The shop stands out as we can see it as soon we go up on the lift.

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