Review:No.176919 Word-of-mouth・Review of NIMES VIORO | Fashion Collect

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No.176919 Review of NIMES VIORO

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   NIMES VIORO  [ 2015/08/09 ]

NIMES is my favourite shop and I often pop in. I always find what I want. The most recently, I bought a HONORE jersey top. I love it as it's in stripe but not too casual because of its crew neck. I also like the furniture and shelves in the shop. The shop assistant's outfit is cute and I often learn the style by asking what they are wearing. Although they kindly tell us when we ask the stock situation of the colours, we can take time to look around comfortably as they don't insistently come to customers. There are some selected items besides NIMES own stuff and I like them as there are many items in adult-casual style that they can be worn by me in my 30's.

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