Review:No.176875 Word-of-mouth・Review of Apuweiser riche namba marui | Fashion Collect

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No.176875 Review of Apuweiser riche namba marui

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konpino-ru zachou
   Apuweiser riche namba marui  [ 2015/08/05 ]

I went to the bargain sale at 11am on 12th July this year. I left the shop to give up looking around as it was very crowded and there were too many people. The voices from shop assistants at nearby shops were very loud and it had a lively atmosphere of bargain-specific. There were 2 items I wanted buy and went there thinking that they shouldn't be still there. because there were too many people there, I couldn't find them and left the shop then came back 30 minutes later. It was a bit calmer. Although I couldn't find one item, miraculously found the other as the last one left, so I bought it straight away. I happened to buy a newly arrived jersey top as it was cute despite it was outside sale items. The shop assistants looked busy and working hard but it was very impressive as they all had smiles on their faces.

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