Review:No.176824 Word-of-mouth・Review of LOWRYS FARM Sapporo apia | Fashion Collect

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No.176824 Review of LOWRYS FARM Sapporo apia

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   LOWRYS FARM Sapporo apia  [ 2015/07/31 ]

Although I was looking around several shops as I wanted to buy White trousers that were this year's trend, I couldn't find what I liked. Then I went to the shop where I often go to. The shop's atmosphere was chic, the clothes were well placed for easy looking and the price is overall reasonable. There was no particular shop assistant who was in charge of me but the staff served me helped me with smiles, listened and gave me some advice. There were white trousers in several different designs and it took me long to try some on and decide what to buy. However the staff served me without any annoying face and I could buy what I liked with her help.

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