Review:No.176777 Word-of-mouth・Review of Honeys Hamamatsu mayone | Fashion Collect

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No.176777 Review of Honeys Hamamatsu mayone

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   Honeys Hamamatsu mayone  [ 2015/07/28 ]

I look at the sale section as if that's treasure hunt as the sale section is always there and its items are half price. We can leave the shop without feeling guilty even if we don't buy anything as the price is reasonable and it has a welcoming atmosphere. I personally feel that the shop implies Yellow. I'm glad that the shop assistants are easy to talk to when I want the items in different sizes as they politely serve and answer the question with smiles. However, I feel it might be difficult to find the items you want. There are many items on hangers and it takes us long to go them through one by one but I think the quality of the cardigan I bought before was good.

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