Review:No.176702 Word-of-mouth・Review of Ralph Lauren Hankyu Department Store Umeda honten | Fashion Collect

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No.176702 Review of Ralph Lauren Hankyu Department Store Umeda honten

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   Ralph Lauren Hankyu Department Store Umeda honten  [ 2015/07/24 ]

I popped in to buy a work shirt. I told the staff that I wanted a cool shirt that also looked refreshing in hot Summer, and she helped me to choose it. She recommended several shirts and I picked the one that I could wear in different styles in the end. I could learn a lot as she told me that we could wear an item in a way of fun, not sticking with stereotypes. I could spend an enjoyable time during the shopping. My colleagues and customers made a nice compliment when I wore it for work on the following week. It was a shop I want to buy something again.

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