Review:No.176667 Word-of-mouth・Review of ANAP AEON MALL Akita | Fashion Collect

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No.176667 Review of ANAP AEON MALL Akita

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   ANAP AEON MALL Akita  [ 2015/07/20 ]

I went to ANAP that was the only one shop in Akita. There are quite many items including kids' range and other ANAP brands like LATINA. I bought a vest in geometric pattern today. It was about 2,000yen at sale price. I love ANAP as there are many distinctive designs and patterns that are different from other people's outfit. The items are not too unique but natty designs, and they are easy to coordinate. The shop is always crowded with many customers during weekends and it's recommended to go on weekdays if you want to ask for the staff's advice on coordination!

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