Review:No.176636 Word-of-mouth・Review of F i.n.t LUMINE omiya | Fashion Collect

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No.176636 Review of F i.n.t LUMINE omiya

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   F i.n.t LUMINE omiya  [ 2015/07/16 ]

The shop has 3 brands, the girlie 'FINT', classic style and adult cute 'AN ANOTHER ANGELUS and 'FLINT CHERRY' that is a rare brand and are only available in limited shops. I have been a fan of FLINT for 3 years and I go to several FLINT shops. In LUMINE Omiya shop, there are many shop assistants who aren't too yappy but entertain us with nice conversation. There was once an occasion that they asked the main office for the stock situation, ordered the item that was sold out for its popularity and I was pleased that I could buy it. Also they give us insoles free of charge if the shoes don't fit. I have to be careful not to buy too many as they make a lot of suggestions how to coordinate on each item. :-) Please do visit this shop as you can shop comfortably!

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