Review:No.176590 Word-of-mouth・Review of TAKA:Q nanba walk | Fashion Collect

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No.176590 Review of TAKA:Q nanba walk

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   TAKA:Q nanba walk  [ 2015/07/13 ]

I went to TAKAKYU to buy my boyfriend's gift today as I heard he wanted a long sleeved shirt. It appeared to have sale on. His size is extra large but I couldn't find it and asked the shop assistant. He gave me one word of 'No' and didn't give me any explanation. He unkindly said 'The beginning of the season is the only time we have that size' when I asked again. Very unpleasant attitude. I was disgusted. However there was one extra large shirt left and I bought it. The shop manager was serving at the till and he was also unfriendly. No proper 'Thank you'. He said one word 'Ta'. I feel so unpleasant at this shop. I never experienced such at Sannomiya and I'll never go there.

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