Review:No.176543 Word-of-mouth・Review of graniph LAZONA Kawasaki Plaza | Fashion Collect

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No.176543 Review of graniph LAZONA Kawasaki Plaza

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   graniph LAZONA Kawasaki Plaza  [ 2015/07/09 ]

I bought a polka dot (men's) shirt. It was at late hours on my way home from work but the staff was polite and let me take time to choose it. Polka dots appeared to be popular and there were several different kind of patterns, I bought a shirt in Navy that was my favourite colour. I go to other GRANIPH as well but I thought the Kawasaki Shop has items that weren't in other shops. Other shops have all similar items and I'm just wondering if there is any item preference depending on shops? I want to buy there again.

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