Review:No.176483 Word-of-mouth・Review of BURBERRY Ginza MITSUKOSHI | Fashion Collect

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No.176483 Review of BURBERRY Ginza MITSUKOSHI

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   BURBERRY Ginza MITSUKOSHI  [ 2015/07/05 ]

I bought a A-lined one piece and a pair of flip flops. I have not had the chance to wear one piece often before, but since this pink border lined one piece was pretty and as I was fazing at it, the store associate gave me some advice what would go well with the one piece. I personally do not know how to dress highly designed clothing, so it helped me a lot. She also introduced me some pair of flip flops that are the current trend, and advised me that they would go well with the one piece so I decided to buy. I have come to the store several times, but the store associates are very helpful.

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