Review:No.176302 Word-of-mouth・Review of MUJI LaLaport TOKYO BAY | Fashion Collect

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No.176302 Review of MUJI LaLaport TOKYO BAY

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hare onna
   MUJI LaLaport TOKYO BAY  [ 2015/06/19 ]

I went to Mujirushi Ryohin since they moced. The store was very spacious. They carried a lot of female clothing. They had goodies and clothing about the same as the quantity, and this store was perfect for someone like me who liked clothing from Mujirushi ryohin. I bought a mixed linen cardigan and a t-shirt. When I buy clothing I usually do not really ask for help, but this store had lot of dummy display and that was helpful. Their customer service was nice even though I talked to them at the cashier.

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