Review:No.176293 Word-of-mouth・Review of Francfranc AEON Laketown kaze | Fashion Collect

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No.176293 Review of Francfranc AEON Laketown kaze

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   Francfranc AEON Laketown kaze  [ 2015/06/18 ]

I liked their merchandise from before since they were cute, but the shampoos, rince, and the shower gels containers that I purchased before had some water for the shower gel container somehow, and I wondered I did not close tightly when I refilled so I tried several times but it did not work. I thought they would not accept for a refund since I already used it, so I exchanged to a new one, but this time the container for the shower gel was tough on the push nozzle, and I got irritated everytime I push. It was pain in the butt so I just use it as it is. I should have gotten a refund.

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