Review:No.176277 Word-of-mouth・Review of MARC BY MARC JACOBS SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten | Fashion Collect

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No.176277 Review of MARC BY MARC JACOBS SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten

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   MARC BY MARC JACOBS SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten  [ 2015/06/28 ]

I sometimes check this store out since I can get department-quality clothing for reasonable price. Last time I bought a present for my friend, and some store would not give you extra shopping bag for gifts, but this store did gave me one. It was wrapped with a bag tied with a bow on the handle, but my friend really liked it. There were clothing, accessories, small goodies and shoes in the store. Their clothing would not look like something that Japanese would like, but their small goodies or accessories were all cute and you can wear them daily.

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