Review:No.176222 Word-of-mouth・Review of BARNEYS NEWYORK GINZA | Fashion Collect

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ginza daisuki
   BARNEYS NEWYORK GINZA  [ 2015/06/13 ]

I was not looking for any particular things, but I ramdomly went to Barney's in Ginza. It was over priced and was out of my budget so I went to look Japanese brand store like Kaon, I saw couple of store associates. I had tops and pants in my hands, and I wanted to know if they had other color or sizes for tops, but even though the store associates looked not too busy but they never approached me! In the end, I had to go to the counter and ask them. The person who dealt with me was very nice but most people were not agressive. If you do not like to be followed around, that would be ok, but when you have something to ask, you will be at loss so that was sad.

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