Review:No.176148 Word-of-mouth・Review of Heather AEON MALL Kashihara | Fashion Collect

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No.176148 Review of Heather AEON MALL Kashihara

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   Heather AEON MALL Kashihara  [ 2015/06/06 ]

I bought a short top with pockets. At first, I was walking around the store, and I caught their eyes and was greeted, I got a good impression on them. As I grabbed an item on my hand, they talked me and I felt that their customer service was nice. They explained well about the merchandise, and showed me how to pair up with other clothing over the mirror, it was easy to imagine how they would look like. Their price was low, and they were trendy, but simply designed so I bought it immediately. It was located on the first floor of north mall. and you would not miss it. It would be crowded on the weekends, but I recommend weekdays since it was less crowded.

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