Review:No.176110 Word-of-mouth・Review of DouDou MITSUI OUTLET PARK Shiga Ryuo | Fashion Collect

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No.176110 Review of DouDou MITSUI OUTLET PARK Shiga Ryuo

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   DouDou MITSUI OUTLET PARK Shiga Ryuo  [ 2015/06/03 ]

I personally like clothing by DouDou, and it is nice that you can buy cheaper in outlet stores. Outlet store does not mean they were the left overs, but they carried classy clothing, so I have a good impression towards this store. I did not know which to choose from since they were all cute, but the bag was only 3000 yen and it was the design I like so I instantly bought it. It was a white bag and I can see myself using it a lot during this summer. The store associates were fashionable.

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