Review:No.176071 Word-of-mouth・Review of MAXMARA WEEKEND LINE Yokohama Landmark Plaza | Fashion Collect

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No.176071 Review of MAXMARA WEEKEND LINE Yokohama Landmark Plaza

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yui ak
   MAXMARA WEEKEND LINE Yokohama Landmark Plaza  [ 2015/06/01 ]

At that time I had a blond hair with thick makeup, and was wearing a mini skirt and everyone must have assumed I was a yankee… I went to Max Mara with my boyfriend. The store base color was off white and in the bright store, the beautifully lined winter coat, and I was excited to see how neat they were. Most of the store associates were sophisticated adults. I did not blend in to the store, but I grabbed a black cashmere coat. It was knee length and was very basic, but everything was wonderful how it feels, and sewed. Suddenly the store associate suggested to try it on to a yankee like me with a smile. As I tried them on and looked at the mirror, I really wanted it so I asked how long can they hold it for me. The store associate kindly told the yankee, "That is fine. How long?" After a few days, I died my hair back to brown and went to the store to purchase. It was a big purchase for me, but I still cherish the coat.

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