Review:No.175915 Word-of-mouth・Review of ANAP AEON MALL sapporohiraoka | Fashion Collect

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No.175915 Review of ANAP AEON MALL sapporohiraoka

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Vey unpleasant
   ANAP AEON MALL sapporohiraoka  [ 2015/05/16 ]

My kid wanted to have a look around so we went in. There was only one shop assistant who repeated loudly 'Ca--n I he--lp yo--u', 'ye---s' or 'ple---se' that I hardly understood, sounded like annoying us on purpose, came close and repeated over and over and over and over. What was it all about. I couldn't be unpleasant worse.
I didn't know if she was suspecting us shop lifting, did she think it was nice as a person who was serving customers?
Is this a result of ANAP's staff training? Terrible. I never ever went to the unpleasant shop like this.

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