Review:No.175607 Word-of-mouth・Review of CROON A SONG VIORO | Fashion Collect

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No.175607 Review of CROON A SONG VIORO

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   CROON A SONG VIORO  [ 2015/04/19 ]

I bought a Black dress for a wedding ceremony.
I was looking for something plain but with nice design and I found one in this shop. The shop has many items from standard to unique designs, so I want to spend time to look around.
I could take time to look at the items as the aisle was wide enough, the staff didn't talk too much so it was a comfortable space for me. I want to go there to buy something different, not casual style. VIORO Fukuoka itself isn't very big building and there are not so many people, so you can take time. Their toilet is very well facilitated and clean, even soaps were well selected. I can relax there in the fashionable space.

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