Review:No.175576 Word-of-mouth・Review of VIS LUMINE est Shinjuku | Fashion Collect

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No.175576 Review of VIS LUMINE est Shinjuku

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   VIS LUMINE est Shinjuku  [ 2015/04/16 ]

I was looking for a Spring trench coat. However I couldn't find any because even small size was too long for me for being short. Then I found a coat in right length when me and mum popped in VIS.
While I was thinking if I should have tried it on, a shop assistant talked to me and said 'Many people with your height buy these coats as the length are just right'.
The colour I wanted was out of stock, so I asked her to order one for me.
When I went in after the coat came in, the staff said as soon as she saw me 'You are Miss xxx, aren't you? We were waiting for you!'
I was impressed she remembered my face and name as I went there just once before and it was about a week ago or so.
She also said 'Is your mum not with you today? I envy you having such young looking mum'. etc., she remembered even such personal things. She was brilliant. I could shop very comfortably.

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