Review:No.175489 Word-of-mouth・Review of IENA tenjin ims | Fashion Collect

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No.175489 Review of IENA tenjin ims

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   IENA tenjin ims  [ 2015/04/09 ]

I bought a pair of tartan checked trousers in Green shades that I had been looking for. I couldn't see what I liked in other shops but at last I found them in this shop.
Although the price was over my budget, I bought it after tried on, as the style was exactly I wanted. Because I like their clothes, I always pop in this shop even when I have nothing in mind. The shop assistants are nice and not too pushy, it's easy to look around. They recommend items that really suit me, no matter whether the price is high or low. They also give me some suggestions on co-ordination ideas to suit the clothes I'm trying on, so it's really helpful to imagine what they will look like. The shop isn't particularly big but it's big enough for pushchairs. It's a mum friendly shop.

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