Review:No.175471 Word-of-mouth・Review of UNIQLO Youmetown Hiroshima | Fashion Collect

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No.175471 Review of UNIQLO Youmetown Hiroshima

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   UNIQLO Youmetown Hiroshima  [ 2015/04/10 ]

I bought a hoodie, T-shirt and skirt from the UNIQLO Yume Town Hiroshima shop.
There were many hoodies on the table and they were sold at Sunday special price. It was good I could find them so easily as I wanted to buy a hoodie. The T-shirt that was a collaboration with Disney were also all put together on the hanger rails.
When I went to look for a skirt, I found what I liked but it was a shame that the price labels on the shelves weren't corresponded to the items and I wasn't sure which one was for what. When they closed the shop, they nicely saw us off with smiles, I could shop comfortably.

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