Review:No.175425 Word-of-mouth・Review of carnelian AEON MALL Miyazaki | Fashion Collect

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No.175425 Review of carnelian AEON MALL Miyazaki

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   carnelian AEON MALL Miyazaki  [ 2015/03/31 ]

I often buy from this shop. When I popped in for Spring sale, there was a shop assistant I had never met before and she was nice and very cheerful.
I liked a Spring jacket and a coat. The price was a bit high but their shape was beautiful and the designs looked easy to co-ordinate. I think I feel this is the only shop I buy my jackets from. Shoes are also recommended for the comfort. I often have to leave them because of the price being expensive, but the shop assistants encourage me to buy them when I really wanted or I'm not sure whether I should buy. When they have a secret sale event shortly, they hold items for me until then. I receive postcards when there is a sale or in my birth month. My favourite shop.

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