Review:No.175358 Word-of-mouth・Review of Ralph Lauren DAIMARU kobe | Fashion Collect

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No.175358 Review of Ralph Lauren DAIMARU kobe

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   Ralph Lauren DAIMARU kobe  [ 2015/04/29 ]

I bought 3 Kid's clothes. I want 3 of the same clothes, one is for a gift. A shop looks rich, organized and wide enough to look around. A salesclerk looked a little difficult to talk. But when I asked her, she was nice so I could choose the ones. I was nervous because I don't usually go to the shop. Anyway I was in the shop for a long time because they have lots of cute clothes. I chose 3 T-shirts with different colors and sizes. I was looking for the size 100 cm, but there is no stock. Then I decided to buy the size 110cm. They wrapped each cloth and put them in each bag. I was satisfied. The person that got the present looked so happy. I want to go there again.

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