Review:No.175286 Word-of-mouth・Review of OLIVE des OLIVE AEON MALL Tottorikita | Fashion Collect

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No.175286 Review of OLIVE des OLIVE AEON MALL Tottorikita

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   OLIVE des OLIVE AEON MALL Tottorikita  [ 2015/03/16 ]

Service was so terrible like forcing me to buy. When I showed them a look that I'm not buying, they showed a surly attitude. Also when I asked the same question about choosing a cloth accidentaly, a salesclerk said "Again!". Salesclerks usually say "welcome" when they see a customer coming in, but nobody said anything. I used to work as a salesclerk so I know a little about service. The shop OLIVE des OLIVE is not so cool. I don't want to go there ever again. I like the clothes at the shop but it's sad to see them like that.

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