Review:No.175284 Word-of-mouth・Review of Lancome SEIBU Okazaki | Fashion Collect

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No.175284 Review of Lancome SEIBU Okazaki

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papiko !
   Lancome SEIBU Okazaki  [ 2015/03/17 ]

I've been checking a foundation at LANCOME, but I don't have the shop in my city. So it took 2 hours to go there. When I asked a salesclerk about the foundation, she told me "if you have time, would you like to try it on?" and did my makeup. I got my makeup on hard, but she did cleansing, lotion, and moisturising for me very carefully. She also asked me if I have any trouble with my skin. She put cheek color and gloss as service, which I was totally satisfied. Of course I bought the foundation. She was nice and polite. That's LANCOME!

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