Review:No.175208 Word-of-mouth・Review of ANAYI SOGO Yokohama | Fashion Collect

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No.175208 Review of ANAYI SOGO Yokohama

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   ANAYI SOGO Yokohama  [ 2015/03/10 ]

I was looking for a trench coat which has beige color and basic type. I looked around in Yokohama Lumine and other departments. Since my height is only 153cm, I tried on so many brands but I couldn't find my size. I almost gave up, but I found ANAYI when I stopped by Yokohama Sogo. A salesclerk talked me so I told her what I was looking for. She showed me a couple of coats, and finally I found the one of my favorite color and fit me. I fell in love with it immediately and decided to buy it. She quickly understood what I wanted so I was so happy. If I have a chance to visit, I would go again.

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