Review:No.175204 Word-of-mouth・Review of THE EMPORIUM AEON MALL kyotogojyo | Fashion Collect

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No.175204 Review of THE EMPORIUM AEON MALL kyotogojyo

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   THE EMPORIUM AEON MALL kyotogojyo  [ 2015/03/06 ]

I might be thoughtless for my age to visit the shop, but the one-piece with butterfly pattern that mannequin wore was way too cute. If I say I want to try it on, a salesclerk would think "what is she thinking? It would be too young for you.", so I was so worried. But I asked a salesclerk! She said "that salesclerk is the same age of you. so you don't have to worry about anything.". That was relieve. Actually, the salesclerk wore the one-piece that I wanted. She looked fashionable without feeling uncomfortable. I had courage to try it on, and the size fit me. I think the shop for young people has low price. So if a cloth fits you, it would be no problem. I hesitate to walk in the shop that targets younger customers, but I was glad that the salesclerk was so nice.

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