Review:No.175178 Word-of-mouth・Review of Discoat Kyoto the cube | Fashion Collect

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No.175178 Review of Discoat Kyoto the cube

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natsume juri
   Discoat Kyoto the cube  [ 2015/03/12 ]

I bought a black camisole on winter sale. They said that I can't try an inner on, so I didn't try it on but I bought it. When I got home, I found loose threads. I called the shop, but they said "ok, so please send it back to us.". I should have checked before purchase, but they didn't apologize at all. I was wondering if I send it back to the shop, who is going to pay mailing. Anyway, the camisole wasn't expensive so I didn't send it back to the shop. Salesclerk looked nice in the shop when I visited, so I was surprised with the cold attitude on the phone. The salesclerk on the phone might not get used to the service over the phone, but I want them to have a manual in case of troubles.

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